Por qué me presento
Una campaña para el pueblo de Oregón
I believe in a future of opportunity and innovation, where we have a sustainable economy that gives every American the chance to find their purpose, earn a good living, and live happy, productive lives. What does this look like? It looks like an affordable college education, high quality health care that is accessible for all, and businesses that are free from needless regulation that will allow them to thrive, while still being responsible stewards of the environment.
Una historia de servicio
El servicio es una vital parte del ADN de Cody. Él tiene una historia multigeneracional de servicio en su familia. Cody también, decidió dedicar parte de su vida a servir a su país a través de las fuerzas armadas, pero sufrió una incapacidad mientras lo hacía, la cual le forzó a abandonar su sueño de servir toda su vida en las fuerzas armadas. Desde ese momento Cody ha buscado los momentos y oportunidades en los cuales ha sido requerido. A través de los últimos 15 años Cody se ha enfocado en trabajar y guiar a la juventud menos privilegiada, a la gente con necesidades especiales, y ayudar a los veteranos en discapacidad, como el mismo y ahora se está postulando como candidato capaz para representar a todos los Oregonienses.
Un futurista
Cody siempre ha sido un adoptante temprano de las tecnologías emergentes. El ha experimentado que tan rápido la tecnología puede mejorar y simplificar el diario vivir de las personas. Cody de manera discreta ha sido integral en la creación de algunas de las empresas más influyentes y valiosas en el espacio de las crypto monedas, y ha contribuido de manera significativa en varios proyectos multibillonarios.

Un orgulloso Oregonés
Cody first moved to Oregon after graduating high school to help his sister, a single mother, raise her son. Portland is where he developed his love for the state. Even while traveling the world in the military, Oregon was always home. This love for the state, and for the people of Oregon has driven Cody’s desire to campaign for a better today and tomorrow for the people of Oregon, and to earn the honor of representing them in Washington D.C.
Un solucionador de problemas
Where Cody is at his best is in helping to solve complicated challenges through an exceptional ability to communicate multidisciplinary problems in a simple, yet effective manner. From serving as an officer in the Army to building multiple businesses, Cody has faced and overcome many challenges in his career. He has a proven track record of building successful coalitions of people with varying skills, beliefs, and political positions.
Cody lleva mucho tiempo defendiendo la vivienda asequible en Oregón. Entiende lo difícil que puede ser encontrar un lugar asequible para vivir, y por eso quiere aumentar la disponibilidad de desarrollo de ingresos mixtos y zonas de oportunidad con responsabilidad como medio para incentivar la expansión de la oferta de viviendas asequibles.
Healthcare is a human right. Cody firmly believes in Medicare for All and knows it should be open to anyone who chooses to enroll into it. Medicare should exist as a baseline of care that can be supplemented with private insurance for those that may prefer it. Medicare is high quality care for everyone. It has a long history of effectively treating our seniors, and could be scaled to do the same for all Americans.
Cody believes that in order to slow the effects of climate change, it’s necessary to act boldly. We need to prioritize the transition from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. In order for this shift to be successful, we must incentivize businesses and individuals into taking meaningful steps such as installing rooftop solar systems and upgrading vehicle fleets. Cody understands that pragmatic yet bold steps towards slowing climate change is possible by focusing our efforts on achievable and easily incentivized programs such as these.